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Season 2: Changing Skincare and Lives with AlumierMD

This episode was brought to you by Alumier MD, our medical-grade skincare line that treats all skin types and conditions such as anti-aging, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, and more. DPC Health loves working closely with Alumier MD, but particularly, with our friend...

Season Two: DPC Health Fuels Synergy Scripts!

This episode was brought to you by Meador Auto, home to the largest car inventory in DFW.  If you are in need of a new car to get you from your home to DPC Health, be sure to check out Meador Auto at! DPC Health is so excited to fuel Synergy Scripts,...

Season 2: Call Twice for our Telemedicine Services!

This episode was brought to you by Dreamworks Dental, with five locations throughout Dallas-Fort Worth. Great dentistry for families and can take care of pediatrics as young as six months! Dreamworks Dental accepts most PPO insurances and offers a Savings Plan, if you...